Monday, July 9, 2012

The good homemaker.

I think (that's the key word, THINK) that I'm doing a darn good job raising our lil' man. I'm sure, like most stay at home parents, I have my good moments and not-so-good moments. How can you not? It's like riding a roller coaster. You go up. You go down. And you can't get off until the ride is over. Sometimes you want to puke. Sometimes you want to scream. And most times you want to weep ... tears of joy, tears of sorrow, or tears of frustration. Ahh, perhaps the weeping is due to my low T. Unfortunately, unlike a roller coaster, it doesn't appear the parental ride ends. Shit. I just turned 37. I still lean on my mommy.

Last night the wifey reassured me that it's normal for people in my circumstance to sometimes think, possibly utter, "Jesus fucking Christ! I just don't want to be around my child today." I'm not sure if she was being honest, or just trying to make me feel better. I guess it doesn't really matter, I know that I'm being honest

Maybe I'm just taking this roll too seriously. I'm mean, shit, I'm blogging about it.

Actually, I'm taking this very fucking seriously. I've jumped in with both balls. I'm not a say-at-home dad! I'm a fucking homemaker, and proud of it. Wait. I'm a competitive dude.  I'm not just a homemaker. I'm trying to be the best fucking homemaker this planet has ever seen. I pay the bills. I grocery shop. I clean. I make sure the wifey has breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I mow the lawn. I walk the dog and pick up her doo. I fix the plumbing. I do everything but bring home a paycheck. AND it brings me joyous fulfillment. I know there are still a lot of people in our society that would question this fulfillment of manhood. Screw them idiots! Bring 'em to me, so I can slap 'em upside the head with my ding-dong in an attempt to inspire a progressive thought.

Can you say, "tangent"?

It's Monday... It's been a very long time since I've had normal employment, but I've heard that Monday's tend to suck. So, tonight I planned a delicious and romantic treat for the wifey. Grilled sea bass with an arugula salad with a balsamic vinaigrette (containing scrumptious bacon drippings), grilled onion, and fruit tree smoked bacon. Oh yeah. This will make her Monday better.


My apologies for the sloppy plating, by this time our little monster was aiming the sprinkler at our 27$/lb sea bass.


  1. Replies
    1. No, it was from Chile. I haven't figured out the local fish/seafood scene yet. It's certainly no Maine, but the mussels are good. I will say that seeing the kids line up for free lunch at the park today, made me feel like an enormous asshole for eating a 27$/lb fish last night.
