Thursday, July 26, 2012

There's nothing like old friends.

We spent last weekend on the Cape with one of my three go-to friends. There's nothing like the comfort of an old friend. Somebody that truly gets you. There's no need for meaningless small talk. There's no uncomfortable silence. You don't have to figure out if a handshake, fist bump, or hug is the appropriate greeting. No explanation is necessary for your sarcastic tone. You just sit back, relax, and enjoy the moment. You put off leaving, but eventually you hug goodbye, knowing that the next time will be just as glorious in it's simplicity.

But, I had no idea how inspiring this weekend would be for the lil' man's imagination.

Sure, my friend and the lil' man are peas in a pod. There was lots of wild running. More harmonicas than I could count. Drawing. "Sure you can play with my base guitar. Go ahead and break it." More wild running. Both of them woke up with the sun. But, it was the trip to the beach that really got the lil' mans juices flowing.

We gathered the normal beach accessories: chairs, cooler, umbrellas, towels, buckets, and a SPADE. "What? Why are you bringing a spade to the beach? What are you going to do with a spade? A little overkill, don't you think? Dude, you don't need to bring a spade to the beach." "Damn it! The spade is coming." Okay ... So off we went, spade and all.

Immediately upon arrival, he put the spade to use. He dug and dug. Creating a waist high mound of sand that was at least 12 feet in length. We just sat back and watched—because that's what you do with this friend. Sit back, watch, and wonder what this creative madman is up to. Finally, he stepped back and surveyed the mound. He must have approved, because he put the spade down and started sculpting with his hands.

The lil' man became MORE out of control, so we had to leave before the sculpture was finished. I can only imagine that it became some sort of huge dragon, lizard, reptile thing.  We got back to the house and HOLY CRAP! It's the lil' man's supper time, he's starving—no wonder he's out of control. Where did the time go? Sorry lil' man. Daddy was off duty, relaxing, sipping a Nalgene bottle of cape cod. Sorry mommy, I forget that I need to help with the routine stuff while you're on duty. I'll try to do a better, less frustrated job of that.

So ... we're back in Providence. We take our first post Cape trip to the playground. We enter the huge sandbox where the adventure always begins. "Bug. What do you want to make today?" "Mr. Walrus!" Whoa! Usually, it's cupcakes or meat-a-balls. Feeling refreshed and inspired from our weekend in the Cape, I dive into the sandbox and start making Mr. Walrus. The lil' man watches, patiently engaged. After I finish a pretty darn handsome Mr. Walrus, I give the OK to the lil' man and his friends that have gathered. They stomp Mr. Walrus.

Day two, the lil' man requested a lobster. Day three, the lil' man requested a platypus. Yeah, our lil' two year old, not only can say platypus, he actually knows what a platypus is supposed to look like. The platypus was a playground hit and ... ummm ... I think it was a springboard for ... well ... I think I have groupies. That's right JT! I have groupies too. Sure, most of them aren't tall enough to ride a roller coaster. But, that's okay with me—not like I'm trying to bring sexy back. I'm just making shit out of sand.

Today, my lil' friends requested: another lobster, a row boat, and an octopus. I made them all! One lil' girl said, "You're nice!" Another, offered to buy me an ice cream with her only dollar. Awe ... When it was time to leave, I pulled the lil' man away in his wagon. He waived both hands and cheered, "Bye people. Bye friends." They all returned the gesture. It felt like the playground erupted in farewell. Like everyone was running after the lil' man riding in his wagon. I felt like a super star.

Thank you, one of my three go-to friends. Once again, you have inspired me to be better. More importantly, you inspired my boy's imagination.

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